About SlackEX 15.0 64 bit Build 231210 (KDE Plasma 5.27.10) and 240812 (Xfce 4.18)
Slackware is the first widely-used Linux system, which is still developing. Slackware has existed since 1993. In comparison with for example Ubuntu and Linux Mint, many people believe that Slackware is “difficult”. Any novice can quickly learn to use Ubuntu they say. My remasters of Slackware Current (15.0), which I call SlackEX 15.0 Current 64 bit Linux Live System, are however just as easy to use as Ubuntu and/or Linux Mint. Some tend to complain that the Program Management in Slackware is awkward. That was perhaps earlier the case, but not anymore.
NEWS ABOUT SlackEX BUILD 240812 with the Xfce4 DESKTOP (DE)
A new version of SlackEX is ready. It is based on Slackware 15.0 STABLE released 220202 with Xfce4 as DE. The most important package installed is Refracta Snapshot. With that you can build your own Slackware 15.0 distribution. Xfce4 is one of Slackware’s official Desktop environments. The other one is KDE. Kernel 6.10.3-amd64-exton is used in this SlackEX Build. To be able to use Refracta Snapshot you’ll have to use said kernel. Otherwise you can (of course) replace “my” kernel with Slackware’s original kernel – see about that below. Study the full package LIST. While running SlackEX Xfce4 in VirtualBox you can do so in full screen since VirtualBox Guest Additions are pre-installed. Watch this screenshot.
NOTE1: You’ll run SlackEX Build 240812 as the normal user user or as root. The password for root is root. The password for user is live.
NOTE2: You can run SlackEX Build 240812 on UEFI and non-Uefi computers. You can also run SlackEX live super fast from RAM.
I had to upload new SlackEX versions today since I discovered a way to run SlackEX from RAM also when starting SlackEX in UEFI mode. The previous SlackEX versions could only run from RAM if they started in Legacy mode. So my advice is to run both versions SUPER FAST from RAM! The best way to run a Linux Live System! When SlackEX has booted up you can remove/eject the USB stick or the DVD – watch this screenshot…
NEWS ABOUT SlackEX 15.0 stable Build 231210 with KDE Plasma 5.27.10 (latest) as DE
A new extra version of SlackEX is ready. It is based on Slackware 15.0 stable released 220203. In this version I’ve installed KDE Plasma 5.27.10 (latest version released 231205). Plasma 5.27 is a LTS (Long Term Support) version. Kernel 6.6.1-amd64-exton is used. The most important package installed is Refracta Snapshot. Study a LIST of all installed packages. With Refracta Snapshot you can build your own Slackware distribution with Plasma 5.27.10. KDE is one of Slackware’s official Desktop Environments. The other one is Xfce4.
NOTE1: You’ll run SlackEX Build 231210 as the normal user user or as root. The password for root is root. The password for user is live.
NOTE2: You can run SlackEX Build 231210 on UEFI and non-Uefi computers. You can also run SlackEX live super fast from RAM in both UEFI and Legacy Mode.
NOTE3: If you want to run SlackEX as root you shall choose “Other” using SDDM Login Manager. The password for root is root.
NOTE4: While running SlackEX KDE in VirtualBox you can do so in full screen since VirtualBox Guest Additions are pre-installed. Watch this screenshot…
NEWS ABOUT SlackEX BUILD 231210 with the Xfce4 DESKTOP (DE)
A new version of SlackEX is ready. It is based on Slackware 15.0 STABLE released 220202 with Xfce4 as DE. The most important package installed is Refracta Snapshot. With that you can build your own Slackware 15.0 distribution. Xfce4 is one of Slackware’s official Desktop environments. The other one is KDE. Kernel 6.6.1-amd64-exton is used in this SlackEX Build. To be able to use Refracta Snapshot you’ll have to use said kernel. Otherwise you can (of course) replace “my” kernel with Slackware’s original kernel – see about that below. Study the full package LIST. While running SlackEX Xfce4 in VirtualBox you can do so in full screen since VirtualBox Guest Additions are pre-installed. Watch this screenshot.
NOTE1: You’ll run SlackEX Build 231210 as the normal user user or as root. The password for root is root. The password for user is live.
NOTE2: You can run SlackEX Build 231210 on UEFI and non-Uefi computers. You can also run SlackEX live super fast from RAM.
MORE NEWS in both SlackEX Builds 231210
1. The very nice icon theme Papirus is installed and used.
2. In all SlackEX builds you can use Firefox for Netflix.
3. Samba finally works so that you can connect to your Windows computers in your Network.
4. I’ve installed the SLiM Login Manager in SlackEX Xfce4 – screenshot. SlackEX Plasma uses the SDDM Login Manager.
The password for user (ordinary user) is live. The password for root (superuser) is root.
Requirements to run SlackEX satisfactory quickly
SlackEX is a “big” Linux system. You need at least 1024 MB RAM in order to run the system satisfactory from live (from a DVD or a USB stick). It might help if you have a SWAP space on your computer.
Running SlackEX from RAM
Another big improvement is that both SlackEX Builds can run from RAM. Use Boot alternative 2 (load to RAM). When the system has booted up you can remove the disc (DVD) or USB stick. You will need at least 6 GB RAM to run SlackEX that way. Running from RAM means that the system will run faster than from a DVD or a USB stick. Everything will be super fast I would say!
Configuring X
X is auto-configured during the boot from the DVD or the USB pen drive.
WiFi connections
As regards SlackEX Plasma Build 231210 it is best/easiest to configure your WiFi connection while logged in to the KDE Plasma Desktop/DE as root.
Default language
The default language (locale) is set to English.
Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Mint and many other so-called beginner distributions (and other Linux systems) use sudo to do something that requires root (superuser) privileges. There really is no need for a root password. “Example of Commands”: sudo mkdir /usr/MyFiles. You can also directly become root with sudo su. Read HERE about how Sudo works. I have installed the Sudo program in SlackEX. This means, among other things, that Linux users used to Ubuntu can identify with SlackEX.
Important about Refracta
You can use the Refracta Snapshot (pre-installed in both SlackEX Builds 231210 to create your own installable Slackware 15.0 Live installable System once you have installed SlackEX to hard drive. I mean change everything and then create a whole new Slackware live system. Start Refracta Snapshot from the menu. You do not even have to install SlackEX to hard drive before you can use the Refracta Snapshot. If you have plenty of RAM you can create a new (your own!) Slackware system while running SlackEX from a DVD or a USB stick. Please note that the whole Refracta process (creating your new ISO) only will take 10 to 30 min! You will find the ISO in /home/snapshot. Or edit /etc/reafractasnapshot.conf and decide where you want the created ISO to end up. The whole thing is very simple.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only use Refracta Snapshot with “my” special kernels 6.10.3-amd64-exton/6.6.1-amd64-exton. I.e. it won’t be possible if you use Slackware’s original kernel 6.1-huge. Once you have installed SlackEX to hard drive you can (of course) switch to Slackware’s kernel if you like. Watch a screenshot when I have installed kernel huge. You have to create an initrd file too then – watch this screenshot. You can install Slackware’s original kernel kernel-huge-6.1.63 with the command sudo slackpkg install kernel.
Install SlackEX to hard drive using Refracta Installer
Use this INSTRUCTION. You can (if you want) use Grub2 (new GRUB) as boot loader – screenshot of the boot screen. (Slackware original still uses LILO).
Install SlackEX to a USB stick
Use Rufus in Windows or the dd-command in Linux. No persistence. You can however enable a persistence partition of about 2GB while installing using Rufus. See the screenshot below. Unfortunately that will slow down the performance significantly.
Slackpkg is very easy to use. Basically only six commands:
slackpkg update
slackpkg upgrade-all
slackpkg install-new (all packages possible to install will show up)
slackpkg clean-system (be careful!)
slackpkg install MyNecessaryProgram
slackpkg remove MyUnnecessaryProgram
More about how to use Slackpkg…
Screenshot 1 – user’s Desktop – Xfce4
Screenshot 2 – root’s Desktop – Xfce4
Screenshot 3 – user’s Desktop when running in VMware Player – Xfce4
Screenshot 4 – root’s Desktop – KDE Plasma
Screenshot 5 – SlackEX KDE running in VirtualBox when Guest additions have been installed – KDE Plasma
Screenshot 6 – user’s Desktop – KDE Plasma
Screenshot 7 – the USB stick is ejected when SlackEX has booted up from RAM
Why Slackware?
Slackware is grossly underestimated (in my opinion). This article give you ten (10) reasons to choose Slackware. And this article explains how Slackware works nowadays (2023).
The ISO files are of 3430 MB (Xfce4 version) respectively 3910 MB (KDE Plasma version)
Both SlackEX Build from 240812 and 231210 have been replaced by Build 250323…
Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 5, Pi 4 and Pi 3/2 at raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd 15 (with GAPPS), RaspAnd 14 (also with GAPPS), 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!
Hello. I very much like some of your spins, but I am curious about your Slackware spin. You didn’t defile Slackware with systemd did you? I haven’t tried it yet and wanted to ask prior to downloading it as I am NOT a fan of systemd (it is becoming more and more m$-and the distros I have installed that use it are much slower than the ones that do not). Thank you in advance for your reply.